View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0013815ScribusUser Interfacepublic2016-03-29 21:51
ReporterKunda Assigned Tofschmid  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.5.2.svn 
Target Version1.5.2Fixed in Version1.5.2.svn 
Summary0013815: Scribus {c|sh}ould let user know document was just autosaved
DescriptionThanks to franz we recently got a whole lot more functionality in the Autosave dept. (0006253 0010220 0013809 0013452 etc..)
It would be a nice touch if Scribus could communicate to us that it has just autosaved the document.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0006253 closedfschmid Missing "save 5 last version of saved doc" option 
related to 0013816 closedfschmid Move 'Show Autosave Countdown Clock on Canvas' to Prefs > Doc Setup > Saving & Undo 
related to 0013819 new Modernize Autosave Countdown Clock 
child of 0013584 acknowledged Metabug: AutoSave & AutoRecover 



2016-03-15 16:21

updater   ~0039192

I mention this because I'm testing 0006253 and seeing if it works correctly by looking at my file-manager to see if files are appearing based on the interval I've set between autosaves. In reality it would be so much easier for me to know that Scribus has just autosaved the document via the GUI.


2016-03-15 16:30

updater   ~0039193

We already have the ability to display the 'autosave countdown clock' (0013816)


2016-03-28 17:51

reporter   ~0039473

Last edited: 2016-03-28 17:56

I have created small patch that write message on status bar when file is autosaved.

In my testing i noticed that message is not really synchronized with displayed clock. In my case message is shown 15 sec or so after clock reset. Not sure if this time can be attributed to time needed for scribus to actually save the file (seems a little to long).


2016-03-28 17:52


0001-Show-autosave-mesage-in-status-bar.patch (764 bytes)   
From 82392a5b56ac6b4bbc2b9b9fd6c7bc1255bfe7be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Juraj Fedel <>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2016 19:23:12 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Show autosave mesage in status bar

 scribus/scribusdoc.cpp | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/scribus/scribusdoc.cpp b/scribus/scribusdoc.cpp
index 0f67d02..e074c7c 100644
--- a/scribus/scribusdoc.cpp
+++ b/scribus/scribusdoc.cpp
@@ -16291,6 +16291,7 @@ void ScribusDoc::slotAutoSave()
 		FileLoader fl(fileName);
 		if (fl.saveFile(fileName, this, 0))
+			scMW()->statusBar()->showMessage( tr("File %1 autosaved").arg(base), 5000);
 			if (autoSaveFiles.count() >= m_docPrefsData.docSetupPrefs.AutoSaveCount)
 				QFile f(autoSaveFiles.first());


2016-03-28 18:53

updater   ~0039475

Thanks Juraj!


2016-03-28 18:54

updater   ~0039476

Franz, can you weigh in on what JurajF's issue is:
In my testing i noticed that message is not really synchronized with displayed clock. In my case message is shown 15 sec or so after clock reset. Not sure if this time can be attributed to time needed for scribus to actually save the file (seems a little too long).


2016-03-28 20:17

reporter   ~0039478

Sorry for false alarm.
After uninstalling scribus, deleting my build directory and installing freshly compiled scribus i do not notice the delay anymore.


2016-03-29 04:36

updater   ~0039491

The patch worked but I'm getting the same behavior as in 0013815:0039473
I need to delete build dir and try again


2016-03-29 11:51

updater   ~0039495

Last edited: 2016-03-29 12:32

Ok. Patch works!
Edge cases that show some quirks:
If you start Scribus with Autosave Countdown Clock enabled every 1 minute (for testing purposes) +
1) you start a new file
2) Don't edit the file for the first autosave iteration meaning for 1 whole minute
Result: autosave Countdown Clock will show the time pass but not trigger an autosave + statubar won't be triggered as well
3) now edit the file
Sometimes this will trigger autosave and sometimes this won't + statusbar trigger won't work as well


2016-03-29 12:32

updater   ~0039499

updated the above comment


2016-03-29 14:39

updater   ~0039507

Franz, what do you think about merging the patch ?


2016-03-29 18:43

developer   ~0039524

If the file is not modified, then autosave will not trigger as there is no need for a save.


2016-03-29 18:51

updater   ~0039525

Thanks for merging patch in r21133!

2 things:
1) next time please attribute bug fix to jurjF for the recognition in the commit summary
2) there may be a bug that is triggered when file is not modified and Scribus does one iteration of the time that has been set for it to autosave. I can't recreate it each time but it's happened.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-03-15 16:18 Kunda New Issue
2016-03-15 16:18 Kunda Relationship added child of 0013584
2016-03-15 16:19 Kunda Relationship added related to 0006253
2016-03-15 16:21 Kunda Note Added: 0039192
2016-03-15 16:28 Kunda Relationship added related to 0013816
2016-03-15 16:29 Kunda Summary Autosave could let user know document was just autosaved => Scribus {c|sh}ould let user know document was just autosaved
2016-03-15 16:30 Kunda Note Added: 0039193
2016-03-16 04:35 Kunda Relationship added related to 0013819
2016-03-28 17:51 jurajF Note Added: 0039473
2016-03-28 17:52 jurajF File Added: 0001-Show-autosave-mesage-in-status-bar.patch
2016-03-28 17:56 jurajF Note Edited: 0039473
2016-03-28 18:53 Kunda Patch No => Yes
2016-03-28 18:53 Kunda Note Added: 0039475
2016-03-28 18:54 Kunda Note Added: 0039476
2016-03-28 20:17 jurajF Note Added: 0039478
2016-03-29 04:36 Kunda Note Added: 0039491
2016-03-29 11:51 Kunda Note Added: 0039495
2016-03-29 12:32 Kunda Note Edited: 0039495
2016-03-29 12:32 Kunda Note Added: 0039499
2016-03-29 14:39 Kunda Assigned To => fschmid
2016-03-29 14:39 Kunda Status new => assigned
2016-03-29 14:39 Kunda Note Added: 0039507
2016-03-29 18:43 fschmid Note Added: 0039524
2016-03-29 18:44 fschmid Target Version => 1.5.2
2016-03-29 18:44 fschmid Status assigned => resolved
2016-03-29 18:44 fschmid Fixed in Version => 1.5.2.svn
2016-03-29 18:44 fschmid Resolution open => fixed
2016-03-29 18:51 Kunda Note Added: 0039525
2016-03-29 21:51 Kunda Status resolved => closed