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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0015622Scribus-public2019-04-04 21:42
Reporterrattata21 Assigned Tojghali  
Status closedResolutionwon't fix 
PlatformScribusOSWindowsOS Version10
Product Version1.4.8 
Summary0015622: bug d'affichage/display bug
I write a French/English description both.

Français :

Je travaillais tranquillement sur mon GNU scribus et suite à un copier-coller d'un groupe (lien PDF+cadre de texte) tout mon travail a disparu (48 pages) où plutôt il ne s'affiche plus. En fait, il est là mais je ne vois plus rien (pas d'image ni de texte, juste des pages blanches). Tout est devenu blanc. Je peux toujours retrouver les cadres. Ils sont là mais je ne les vois pas, je dois les chercher à tâtons avec la souris
Plus bizarre encore, lorsque que je crée un nouveau document, tout s'affiche correctement.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

English :
I am working on SCRIBUS and, after a cut-paste of group (PDF link+text) all my work disappear, or to be precise nothing displayed any more. In fact, I can't see anything (nor image either text, only white page). All become white. I can still find frame. There are on the document but I can't see them. It's a blinding staff to find one with mouse.
Stranger is creation of new document doesn't affect the displaying.

Thanks for your help
TagsNo tags attached.


duplicate of 0015427 closedjghali Shapes do not render 



2019-03-29 10:34

manager   ~0046050

please upload the .sla : - )


2019-03-29 10:40


ville-nuage.sla (385,218 bytes)

Luna Nightshade

2019-03-31 11:09

reporter   ~0046055

I have had similar effects - the group's "frame" seems to be at the correct spot, the contents are shifted somewhere else though; Ungrouping and Regrouping is a quick workaround though.


2019-03-31 23:39

reporter   ~0046056

Thankyou for your answer.
Like Luna Nightsade said I had just to ungroup the document to solve the problem.
I selct all (ctrl+A) and ungrouping and all images reappear.

thankyou everybody


2019-04-04 21:42

administrator   ~0046070

Closing due to the issue being a duplicate of 0015427.

The issue is caused by the somewhat flaky implementation of groups in 1.4.x. This is a known issue of 1.4.x branch. The solution to avoid problems is to avoid any manipulation of items placed inside a group including:
- removing objects belonging to a group
- cutting objects placed inside a group
- ungrouping a group placed itself inside a group
- modifying level of an object placed inside a group

The implementation of groups in 1.5.x development branch has already been completely rewritten and is now much more robust. At this point of 1.4.x life there will be no fixes or changes to the group implementation due to the extent of modifications this would require.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-03-29 02:46 rattata21 New Issue
2019-03-29 10:34 ale Note Added: 0046050
2019-03-29 10:40 rattata21 File Added: ville-nuage.sla
2019-03-31 11:09 Luna Nightshade Note Added: 0046055
2019-03-31 23:39 rattata21 Note Added: 0046056
2019-04-04 21:42 jghali Assigned To => jghali
2019-04-04 21:42 jghali Status new => resolved
2019-04-04 21:42 jghali Resolution open => won't fix
2019-04-04 21:42 jghali Note Added: 0046070
2019-04-04 21:42 jghali Relationship added duplicate of 0015427
2019-04-04 21:42 jghali Status resolved => closed