View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0015724ScribusStory Editor / Text Framespublic2025-03-26 19:38
Reporterale Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version1.5.5.svn 
Summary0015724: make the unlink tool a single click one
Descriptioncurrently, the unlink tool is only active when at least a text frame is selected.
for the action to take place, one need to click on a second frame.

i did not test the behavior when multiple text frame are selected but it's a rather awkward situation.

i suggest that the behavior to be changed in the following way:

- the tool is inactive when no text frame is selected
- when one single text frame is selected, the link to the next frame is removed (if any)
- when multiple text frames are selected, the link between the selected frames are removed
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0015721 new Better label for last "Object > Text frame links > Cut" options 
related to 0015519 new unlinking text frames should work in "both direction". 
parent of 0015954 new Improve link/unlink tools usability 
Not all the children of this issue are yet resolved or closed.



2019-11-16 09:30

manager   ~0047088

we could even keep it enabled when no item is selected and it will unlink the next tool you click on from its next item.


2019-12-03 17:45

manager   ~0047194

if multiple text frame are seleted, enabling the tool could simply link all the selected items, starting from top left.


2025-03-26 19:38

developer   ~0052342

Having several behavior for the same tool is cool for powerusers, but less for the other that may not understand when a behavior is applied and when another, giving the feeling of random unlinking. And since nobody reads the docs anymore… Wouldn’t it be better to use keyboard modifiers on click, for example :
select the unlink tool
click on a frame to unlink this frame and the previous
click + Ctrl to unlink with the next
Shift could apply the same with cut text functionnality

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-06-26 13:49 ale New Issue
2019-06-26 13:49 ale Relationship added related to 0015721
2019-06-26 13:50 ale Relationship added related to 0015519
2019-11-16 09:30 ale Note Added: 0047088
2019-11-16 17:08 ale Relationship added parent of 0015954
2019-12-03 17:45 ale Note Added: 0047194
2025-03-26 19:38 pygmee Note Added: 0052342