View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0016963ScribusStory Editor / Text Framespublic2024-07-01 13:02
Reporterale Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version1.7.0.svn 
Summary0016963: second line is indented on the left, when RTL drop caps is enabled
Descriptionit's not clear to me, if drop caps make sense for RTL languages (as long as we cannot use full words for the drop caps), but when RTL is enabled, the drop caps do not behave correctly.

one solution is to disable the drop caps for RTL, the other to fix the behavior.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0016961 new Justification for Arabic is not acceptable 
related to 0017243 new Left indent for numbered lists 



2023-06-20 06:13

manager   ~0050237

rtl-dropcaps.png (76,298 bytes)   
rtl-dropcaps.png (76,298 bytes)   


2023-06-20 06:16

manager   ~0050238

it looks like the first line is intended twice on the right and the second one once on the left...


2023-07-04 09:42

reporter   ~0050257

I confirm the bug, in RTL text the second line of the paragraph with drop caps should be moved to left instead of right.
Screenshot_20230704_103938.png (252,736 bytes)   
Screenshot_20230704_103938.png (252,736 bytes)   


2023-07-04 09:47

reporter   ~0050258

Not only for the second line but for all added lines where cap drops stretches
Screenshot_20230704_104527.png (241,831 bytes)   
Screenshot_20230704_104527.png (241,831 bytes)   

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-06-20 06:12 ale New Issue
2023-06-20 06:13 ale Relationship added related to 0016961
2023-06-20 06:13 ale Note Added: 0050237
2023-06-20 06:13 ale File Added: rtl-dropcaps.png
2023-06-20 06:16 ale Note Added: 0050238
2023-07-04 09:42 medmedin2014 Note Added: 0050257
2023-07-04 09:42 medmedin2014 File Added: Screenshot_20230704_103938.png
2023-07-04 09:47 medmedin2014 Note Added: 0050258
2023-07-04 09:47 medmedin2014 File Added: Screenshot_20230704_104527.png
2024-07-01 13:02 ale Relationship added related to 0017243