View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0017352ScribusUser Interfacepublic2024-12-27 22:44
Reporternitramr Assigned Tonitramr  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformDesktop PCOSUbuntuOS Version24.10 64-bit
Fixed in Version1.7.0.svn 
Summary0017352: XZY Palette: Improve Labels and Alignment of UI elements
Description- remove Z label
- "left / end points" button should be aligned with the first line (X and W)
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0015915 closednitramr Indigo UI: refactor the Color and Line panels 



2024-12-27 12:47

developer   ~0051807

screenshot_20241227-134701.png (19,095 bytes)   
screenshot_20241227-134701.png (19,095 bytes)   


2024-12-27 13:24

updater   ~0051809

or you could put the 'z' label to the right, where it belongs (and where the value for 'z' is displayed…)
x.y.z.png (29,170 bytes)   
x.y.z.png (29,170 bytes)   


2024-12-27 13:55

developer   ~0051812

The reason the "Z" label is in front of the line is because it has meaning for rotation and level. You can rotate an object around the Z axis or move it up or down on the Z axis.
But it doesn't seem to have any real value in the UI. I'm okay if it is removed or to put it in front of the level count as Utnik proposed.

I could imagine adding a new rotation/angle icon in front of the rotation input field. Currently, there is no "Z" label in the image properties in front of the rotation input field. #inconsistent


2024-12-27 14:19

manager   ~0051813

"Z = Level" and there is already "Level" below the level buttons...

Personally, I don't like the Z in front of the rotation.
I can live with it being before the 2. But I wonder what's the added value of it
(the meaning is already in the label below, if shown, and in the tooltip... )

And now that it's all so nicely uncluttered, I wonder if the name of the section could not be "Position & Size".


2024-12-27 14:20

updater   ~0051814

well, for me the rotation is related to the z axis as vertical mirroring is related to the x axis. (there's some consistency when mirror and rotate don't have an axis label.)

…but i'm fine without the 'z' label. i just could imagine some better understanding of 'x, y, z' for users who are new to all this…


2024-12-27 14:41

administrator   ~0051816

image.png (35,294 bytes)   
image.png (35,294 bytes)   


2024-12-27 14:42

administrator   ~0051817

With informational labels
image-2.png (40,262 bytes)   
image-2.png (40,262 bytes)   


2024-12-27 15:18

administrator   ~0051820

@nitramr: we could go with the above but would need a rotation icon given string freeze. Could easily use R: afterwards or keep the icon


2024-12-27 15:25

administrator   ~0051821

I'm not so happy about the alignment with the informational labels shown though... it'd be great to have the option to avoid that part of the height calculation in this case :)


2024-12-27 16:32

developer   ~0051825

I kept the level count on the right side to avoid UI jumps. When the number increases it would push the level buttons to the right (5,806 bytes)
image-3.png (18,282 bytes)   
image-3.png (18,282 bytes)   
xyz.png (17,211 bytes)   
xyz.png (17,211 bytes)   
xyz_2024-12-27_01.patch (2,418 bytes)   
Index: resources/iconsets/1_7_0/1_7_0.xml
--- resources/iconsets/1_7_0/1_7_0.xml	(Revision 26532)
+++ resources/iconsets/1_7_0/1_7_0.xml	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@
 		<icon id="inherit-opacity-off" file="16/action-inherit-opacity-off.svg" />
 		<icon id="inherit-opacity-on" file="16/action-inherit-opacity-on.svg" />
 		<icon id="name" file="16/object-name.svg" />
+		<icon id="object-rotation" file="16/object-rotation.svg" />
 		<icon id="remove" file="16/action-remove.svg" />
 		<icon id="reset" file="16/action-reload.svg" />
 		<icon id="reset-style-changes" file="16/action-reload.svg" /> <!-- 16/action-revert-changes.svg -->
Index: scribus/ui/propertiespalette_image.cpp
--- scribus/ui/propertiespalette_image.cpp	(Revision 26532)
+++ scribus/ui/propertiespalette_image.cpp	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -717,15 +717,16 @@
 	m_doc->itemSelection_SetCompressionQuality(compressionQuality->currentIndex() - 1);
-void PropertiesPalette_Image::iconSetChange()
-	IconManager& im = IconManager::instance();
-	xscaleLabel->setPixmap(im.loadPixmap("scale-width"));
-	yscaleLabel->setPixmap(im.loadPixmap("scale-height"));
+void PropertiesPalette_Image::iconSetChange()
+	IconManager& im = IconManager::instance();
+	xscaleLabel->setPixmap(im.loadPixmap("scale-width"));
+	yscaleLabel->setPixmap(im.loadPixmap("scale-height"));
+	imageRotationLabel->setPixmap(im.loadPixmap("object-rotation"));
 void PropertiesPalette_Image::languageChange()
Index: scribus/ui/propertiespalette_xyz.cpp
--- scribus/ui/propertiespalette_xyz.cpp	(Revision 26532)
+++ scribus/ui/propertiespalette_xyz.cpp	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -577,7 +577,6 @@
-	formWidget->setLabelVisibility(visibility);
 void PropertiesPalette_XYZ::showXY(double x, double y)
@@ -1437,6 +1436,7 @@
+	labelRotation->setPixmap(im.loadPixmap("object-rotation"));
 	QIcon a;
 	a.addPixmap(im.loadPixmap("16/lock.png"), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On);
xyz_2024-12-27_01.patch (2,418 bytes)   
xyz_compact.png (14,384 bytes)   
xyz_compact.png (14,384 bytes)   


2024-12-27 16:38

developer   ~0051826

line1.png (13,879 bytes)   
line1.png (13,879 bytes)   
line2.png (15,689 bytes)   
line2.png (15,689 bytes)   


2024-12-27 20:00

manager   ~0051827

Last edited: 2024-12-27 20:00

... oops, no support for unicode emoji...



2024-12-27 20:59

administrator   ~0051828

Thanks, committed

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-27 12:46 nitramr New Issue
2024-12-27 12:47 nitramr Note Added: 0051807
2024-12-27 12:47 nitramr File Added: screenshot_20241227-134701.png
2024-12-27 12:47 nitramr Relationship added related to 0015915
2024-12-27 13:24 utnik Note Added: 0051809
2024-12-27 13:24 utnik File Added: x.y.z.png
2024-12-27 13:55 nitramr Note Added: 0051812
2024-12-27 14:19 ale Note Added: 0051813
2024-12-27 14:20 utnik Note Added: 0051814
2024-12-27 14:41 cbradney Note Added: 0051816
2024-12-27 14:41 cbradney File Added: image.png
2024-12-27 14:42 cbradney Note Added: 0051817
2024-12-27 14:42 cbradney File Added: image-2.png
2024-12-27 15:18 cbradney Note Added: 0051820
2024-12-27 15:25 cbradney Note Added: 0051821
2024-12-27 16:32 nitramr Note Added: 0051825
2024-12-27 16:32 nitramr File Added:
2024-12-27 16:32 nitramr File Added: image-3.png
2024-12-27 16:32 nitramr File Added: xyz.png
2024-12-27 16:32 nitramr File Added: xyz_2024-12-27_01.patch
2024-12-27 16:32 nitramr File Added: xyz_compact.png
2024-12-27 16:38 nitramr Note Added: 0051826
2024-12-27 16:38 nitramr File Added: line1.png
2024-12-27 16:38 nitramr File Added: line2.png
2024-12-27 20:00 ale Note Added: 0051827
2024-12-27 20:00 ale Note Edited: 0051827
2024-12-27 20:59 cbradney Assigned To => nitramr
2024-12-27 20:59 cbradney Status new => resolved
2024-12-27 20:59 cbradney Resolution open => fixed
2024-12-27 20:59 cbradney Fixed in Version => 1.7.0.svn
2024-12-27 20:59 cbradney Note Added: 0051828
2024-12-27 22:44 cbradney Status resolved => closed