View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002260ScribusUser Interfacepublic2005-07-25 13:33
ReporterringercAssigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Platformx86 LinuxOSFedora CoreOS Version3
Product Version1.3.1cvs 
Summary0002260: Metabug: Long-running code that blocks the UI
DescriptionThere's long running code that blocks the UI in many parts of Scribus. This bug is here to identify and keep track of them. It's also a good place to point to discussion on these issues.

Blocking the UI is bad, because (a) it means there's no way to let the user cancel the long-running operation, and (b) it makes Scribus appear to have hung, to the point where we don't even redraw.
TagsNo tags attached.


parent of 0002046 closedringerc Scribus appears to lock up when using Manage Pictures "Search" function 
parent of 0002253 acknowledged Write asynchronous gs interface 
related to 0002376 closedringerc Source code requests 
related to 0002382 acknowledged Metabug: Code quality, structure, readability 
related to 0002688 closedcbradney PDF export needs progress dialog 
related to 0002931 acknowledged Metabug: SVG 
Not all the children of this issue are yet resolved or closed.



2005-07-17 18:11

reporter   ~0005625

Known problem areas include:

Where we might want to let the user keep on working:
- PS import
- SVG import
- PDF/PS/EPS rasterisation for pic frame (less problematic)

Where locking the UI is probably OK, but we should provide progress and cancel:
- PDF export
- Printing
- Other export

callGS(...) is one function that needs looking at.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-07-17 18:05 ringerc New Issue
2005-07-17 18:06 ringerc Relationship added related to 0002046
2005-07-17 18:06 ringerc Relationship added related to 0002102
2005-07-17 18:06 ringerc Relationship replaced parent of 0002102
2005-07-17 18:07 ringerc Relationship replaced parent of 0002046
2005-07-17 18:07 ringerc Relationship deleted parent of 0002102
2005-07-17 18:08 ringerc Relationship added parent of 0002253
2005-07-17 18:11 ringerc Note Added: 0005625
2005-07-17 18:12 ringerc Summary Long-running code that blocks the UI => Metabug: Long-running code that blocks the UI
2005-07-25 13:33 avox Status new => acknowledged
2005-08-03 15:54 ringerc Relationship added related to 0002376
2005-08-03 16:27 ringerc Relationship added related to 0002382
2005-10-08 03:19 ringerc Relationship added related to 0002688
2006-05-17 19:20 christoph_s Relationship added related to 0002931