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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002485ScribusStory Editor / Text Framespublic2007-01-11 20:59
ReporterHoward White Assigned Toale  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.3.1cvs 
Fixed in Version1.3.4cvs 
Summary0002485: Preferences/Tools/Text frame needs ability to set background color
DescriptionNow in Preferences and Document Setup/Tools one can set the color and shade of type but not the default background color of text frames. (You can set color of Image Frames.)
This would be useful; a recent new user on IRC has a document where it would have helped.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0003823 acknowledged New feature: Underline Paragraph, or more generally, paragraphs borders 



2005-08-25 19:12

viewer   ~0006227

Moreover, I think it would be good to have it as a style option too.


2005-08-25 19:28

manager   ~0006228

In my opinion the existing fill and stroke fields should set the text frame caracteristics.

The text caracteristics should be defined through the default style.

Still in my opinion, the default style should be defined in a separate entry in the preferences menu (or in edit/paragraph styles), not in the text frame tool.


2005-08-25 19:50

administrator   ~0006230

We should NOT be relying on styles to be used.


2005-08-25 21:35

administrator   ~0006233

Resolving this now, as the idea of adding a background color for the whole frame to the styles is not a good one.


2005-08-26 08:54

manager   ~0006235

to mrb: a default style is always used. there should be a way to to change it. i don't think that "preferences/tools/text" frame is the better place (this is what is happening now!).

to franz: it's not about putting the background color of a frame in the styles.

in the contrary: only the default properties of the frame (as the background color of the frame) should be defined in "preferences/tools/text frame" form. this form shouldn't imho define parts of the properties for the "default style" (as it is doing now).

all the properties for the "default style" should be costumizable, but probably not in the text tool. on the other side, a user shouldn't be asked to define it before she can start to write :-) i fully agree with you on that, craig!

it's not an important feature request (yes, i can live with the actual situation), but i feel that the issue has been misunderstood, so i wanted to try to better explain what i shortly wrote yesterday evening :-)

Howard White

2005-08-30 23:54

updater   ~0006308

This feature is welcome but current implementation needs work.

1. Setting "Stroke Color" for text frame establishes a frame color which will be visible and printed. I can find no tool which allows the user to modify this color after a frame has been inserted, nor can the user modify the weight of the created frame.

2. In addition to setting a color for inserted text frame, the user must be able to specify an opacity for that color. It is typical in some environments to have a light-shaded background for text areas. (Of course, this can be changed in Properties.)


2005-08-31 07:33

administrator   ~0006309

To me, this is getting a little complicated for text frame setup. What we need here at a minimum of "Basic Options" and "Extended Options" frames as we have no possiblity to easily have the dialog extending down. This will allow the user to see a distinction of whats required and whats not.


2005-08-31 09:02

manager   ~0006311

i see that this bug has been attributed to me: what a honour :-)

personally, i don't want to simply stuff some new options in the preferences dialog, but -- as scribus is growing ang steadly getting new features -- i'd prefere to look at what are the actions on frames and their content which are already implemented, where they can get a default and where they can be further managed and how. then, i'd like to find if there is a better way/place to put some of this functionalities and also find out which functionalities are still missing.

if you agree, i'd like to procede in the following way:
- i'll look at what is already done in scribus
- i make a proposal of what i'd like to change and i put it here
- if there are remarks (and i hope there will be some, even many) i integrate them in the proposal
- i make a description of what to implement and how
- i implement it (or let implement it by other people if you feel)

is it ok?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-08-25 19:09 Howard White New Issue
2005-08-25 19:12 plinnell Note Added: 0006227
2005-08-25 19:12 plinnell Status new => confirmed
2005-08-25 19:28 ale Note Added: 0006228
2005-08-25 19:50 cbradney Note Added: 0006230
2005-08-25 21:35 fschmid Status confirmed => resolved
2005-08-25 21:35 fschmid Fixed in Version => 1.3.1cvs
2005-08-25 21:35 fschmid Resolution open => fixed
2005-08-25 21:35 fschmid Assigned To => fschmid
2005-08-25 21:35 fschmid Note Added: 0006233
2005-08-26 08:54 ale Status resolved => feedback
2005-08-26 08:54 ale Resolution fixed => reopened
2005-08-26 08:54 ale Note Added: 0006235
2005-08-26 09:41 fschmid Status feedback => assigned
2005-08-26 09:41 fschmid Assigned To fschmid => ale
2005-08-30 23:54 Howard White Note Added: 0006308
2005-08-31 07:33 cbradney Note Added: 0006309
2005-08-31 09:02 ale Note Added: 0006311
2006-05-17 02:20 louisdesjardins Relationship added related to 0003823
2007-01-09 10:20 fschmid Status assigned => resolved
2007-01-09 10:20 fschmid Fixed in Version 1.3.1cvs => 1.3.4cvs
2007-01-09 10:20 fschmid Resolution reopened => fixed
2007-01-11 20:59 cbradney Status resolved => closed
2015-09-17 20:08 Kunda Category Story Editor / Text Frames => Story Ed/Txt Frames
2015-09-17 20:12 Kunda Category Story Ed/Txt Frames => Story Editor / Text Frames