View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003466ScribusUser Interfacepublic2006-06-05 12:33
Reporterchristoph_s Assigned Toavox  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.3.4cvs 
Fixed in Version1.3.3.3cvs 
Summary0003466: Improvements to gradient handling in the properties palette
DescriptionAdding, moving and removing colour stops in the properties palette is a real pain. The behaviour of the cursor is hardly predictable, and moving a stop with the mouse may or may not be possible. Also, a sane way of removing stops quickly would be really fine.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0003728 acknowledged Implement gradient editing on canvas 
related to 0002407 acknowledged Metabug: Misleading and wrong cursors 



2006-03-19 23:22

administrator   ~0009374

Drag the stops down and they will be removed from the gradient.


2006-03-19 23:26

administrator   ~0009375

I know, but the behaviour of the cursor is, as written above, almost unpredictable. It happens easily that a new stop is added instead of getting hold of the one I want to drag away.

My suggestion: cursor in the field = add stop, shift/ctrl + cursor= remove stop. Perhaps something like the "Manage guides" dialog would also be useful for stops.


2006-03-19 23:31

administrator   ~0009376

Theres not much need for a dialog, more correct would be to fix gradient editing on the canvas.


2006-04-29 21:00

developer   ~0010643

cbradney: won't fix?


2006-04-29 21:33

administrator   ~0010656

A dialog would not be necessary if the behaviour of the cursor would more precise and predictable. I read a posting on the German Scribus forum in which a user complained that he couldn't remove the stops at all.


2006-04-30 09:02

administrator   ~0010679

I've never had a major problem though the gradient editor can be touchy.. we simply need gradient editing on canvas.. thats it. This should be a wont fix. Need a new bug "Implement gradient editing on canvas".


2006-05-31 00:01

administrator   ~0011534

I added an empty area below the gradient stops which can be used as a drop-dead-zone.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-03-19 21:21 christoph_s New Issue
2006-03-19 23:22 cbradney Note Added: 0009374
2006-03-19 23:26 christoph_s Note Added: 0009375
2006-03-19 23:31 cbradney Note Added: 0009376
2006-04-10 12:16 mhanski Severity minor => feature
2006-04-29 21:00 mhanski Note Added: 0010643
2006-04-29 21:00 mhanski Status new => feedback
2006-04-29 21:33 christoph_s Note Added: 0010656
2006-04-30 09:02 cbradney Note Added: 0010679
2006-04-30 10:22 mhanski Relationship added related to 0003728
2006-04-30 10:23 mhanski Status feedback => resolved
2006-04-30 10:23 mhanski Resolution open => won't fix
2006-05-02 22:09 mhanski Status resolved => closed
2006-05-31 00:01 avox Status closed => resolved
2006-05-31 00:01 avox Fixed in Version =>
2006-05-31 00:01 avox Resolution won't fix => fixed
2006-05-31 00:01 avox Assigned To => avox
2006-05-31 00:01 avox Note Added: 0011534
2006-06-05 12:33 cbradney Status resolved => closed
2007-05-23 19:39 christoph_s Relationship added related to 0002407