View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003477ScribusGeneralpublic2006-05-01 21:42
Reporterfsnelting Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
PlatformPCOSLinux (Ubuntu)OS Version5.10 Breezy
Product Version1.3.3cvs 
Summary0003477: Application of property and/or style change is unpredictable
DescriptionThe application of changes through Properties is completely irregular. some changes have effect, some not... some changes trail behind, others are erased... Sometimes styles are overruled by others, sometimes not.

Font size, line height etc. are not forced when applied over selected text; it seems especially unpredictable when that selection had different styles/sizes etc. to begin with. When multiple paragraphs are selected, styles are sometimes applied, sometimes not.

Additional InformationTested this on another machine in both 1.2.4 and 1.3.3cvs but all versions behaved equally unreliable. Issue relates to problem 3474, 3475 and 3476.
TagsNo tags attached.


duplicate of 0003261 confirmed Changing text alignment from the properties palette does behave weird sometimes 
related to 0003482 closedKunda Only partial / delayed text update in linked frames when adjusting text properties. 
related to 0003389 closedcbradney Drop down list for text colour in the properties palette behaves weird 
related to 0003164 closedavox Text in text frames not correctly updated after font change 
related to 0003474 feedback Improve the feedback for multiple styles in Properties/Story Editor 



2006-03-20 22:43

developer   ~0009396

Related to 3261, 3389, 3164?


2006-03-21 07:14

reporter   ~0009402

Have not had any problems with color menus (3389) but yes, seems to be same issue already reported in 3261, 3164

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-03-20 22:36 fsnelting New Issue
2006-03-20 22:43 christoph_s Note Added: 0009396
2006-03-21 07:14 fsnelting Note Added: 0009402
2006-04-19 10:50 mhanski Relationship added related to 0003482
2006-04-28 09:20 mhanski Relationship added related to 0003474
2006-04-29 18:46 mhanski Relationship added related to 0003261
2006-04-29 18:47 mhanski Relationship added related to 0003389
2006-04-29 18:47 mhanski Relationship added related to 0003164
2006-04-29 18:48 mhanski Relationship deleted related to 0003261
2006-04-29 18:49 mhanski Relationship added duplicate of 0003261
2006-04-29 18:50 mhanski Status new => resolved
2006-04-29 18:50 mhanski Resolution open => duplicate
2006-05-01 21:42 jo-hannes Status resolved => closed