View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003594ScribusUser Interfacepublic2008-10-26 16:23
Reporterjo-hannes Assigned Tosubik  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.3.4cvs 
Fixed in Version1.3.5svn 
Summary0003594: Guides: possible to create new guides when guides are disabled
Description if the guides are disabled, either when creating new ones that should be indicated by a cursor or creating should be disabled too
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0003360 closedcbradney guides cursor shows up even when guides are in background and objects are placed in front of guides 
related to 0002935 acknowledgedsubik Metabug: Guide Dialog 



2006-04-09 18:57

developer   ~0009761

another idea would be to enable guides automatically if start creating a guide...


2006-04-27 20:52

developer   ~0010552

Do you mean the "Show Guides" checkbox in File/Preferences/Guides?

If yes, I can confirm, that although the checkbox isn't checked, guides can be created.


2006-04-27 21:29

developer   ~0010557

either take the preference or just switch guides on/off in the menu.


2006-04-27 21:52

developer   ~0010559

is it really a bug? After all, it says "Show Guides" and not "Enable/disable Guides"


2006-04-27 22:01

developer   ~0010560

if its not a bug then its at least user unfriendly. i suggested a solution already:
- see my first note


2006-04-28 20:25

reporter   ~0010608

Are we talking about "show guides" or "snap to guides"? Because I sometimes enable guide snapping without displaying the guides. Though admittedly trying to create a new one while they're invisible would be confusing.


2006-05-01 18:50

developer   ~0010740

i am talking of show guides.


2008-10-20 14:25

manager   ~0020472

user cannot create guides by draging from rulers when is "Show Guides" inactive. It was really confusing.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-04-09 18:56 jo-hannes New Issue
2006-04-09 18:57 jo-hannes Note Added: 0009761
2006-04-09 19:03 jo-hannes Relationship added related to 0002935
2006-04-24 11:07 mhanski Relationship added related to 0003360
2006-04-27 20:52 mhanski Note Added: 0010552
2006-04-27 20:52 mhanski Status new => feedback
2006-04-27 21:29 jo-hannes Note Added: 0010557
2006-04-27 21:52 mhanski Note Added: 0010559
2006-04-27 22:01 jo-hannes Note Added: 0010560
2006-04-28 20:25 mkoren Note Added: 0010608
2006-05-01 18:50 jo-hannes Note Added: 0010740
2008-10-20 14:24 subik Status feedback => assigned
2008-10-20 14:24 subik Assigned To => subik
2008-10-20 14:25 subik Note Added: 0020472
2008-10-20 14:25 subik Status assigned => resolved
2008-10-20 14:25 subik Fixed in Version => 1.3.5svn
2008-10-20 14:25 subik Resolution open => fixed
2008-10-26 16:23 cbradney Status resolved => closed