View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004402ScribusScripterpublic2006-10-23 05:56
Reportercoixcoix Assigned Tomalex  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformlinuxOSubuntuOS Versiondapper drake
Product Version1.3.3.4 
Fixed in Version1.3.3.4 
Summary0004402: script menu is missing
Descriptionscript menu is missing, in main menu and preferences...
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0004423 closedcbradney Metabug: Ubuntu/Kubuntu issues that prevent it from being the perfect platform for Scribus 
child of 0003813 acknowledged Metabug: Scripter 
child of 0004439 closedplinnell Release Metabug 


2006-10-13 11:02


Bildschirmfoto.png (88,426 bytes)   
Bildschirmfoto.png (88,426 bytes)   


2006-10-13 11:12

viewer   ~0012949

Did you compile this from source ? If so, you are missing a needed python-dev package, then python support will be compiled in.


2006-10-13 13:41

manager   ~0012951

or there should be some "cannot load plugin foo..." dialog with more informations if you use precompiled packages...


2006-10-14 14:17

reporter   ~0012974

package name: scribus-ng


2006-10-14 14:17

reporter   ~0012975

and i installed python-dev.

2006-10-14 16:51



2006-10-14 17:06

developer   ~0012978

hmm, I've installed the latest scribus-ng package from malex on Kubuntu Dapper Drake and everything is in right place (see my screen shot). I rather wouldn't assume the issue had something to do with malex' packaging.

coixcoix: can you see any error messages, if you launch scribus from the console with "scribus-ng"?

Just in case:


2006-10-14 21:12

reporter   ~0012982

just this...

sc@sc-desktop:~$ scribus-ng
X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166
  Major opcode: 144
  Minor opcode: 3
  Resource id: 0x0
Failed to open device
X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166
  Major opcode: 144
  Minor opcode: 3
  Resource id: 0x0
Failed to open device

2006-10-14 21:18


Bildschirmfoto2.png (97,333 bytes)   
Bildschirmfoto2.png (97,333 bytes)   

2006-10-15 09:51


2006-10-15 13:58



2006-10-20 07:39

viewer   ~0013035

>sc@sc-desktop:~$ scribus-ng
>X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166...

This is caused by wacom tablet driver being included in x-org.conf by default. This is not a Scribus error


2006-10-20 07:43

reporter   ~0013036

I upgraded yesterday and lost the scripter menu also.
The only thing I did was use the "dapper" repository for (K)ubuntu instead of the previous "breezy" one from malex (which worked for both versions).
Scripter menu was present before with from malex


2006-10-20 08:12

developer   ~0013037

ok agusmba, that's it -- you've pinned the issue down. I use the "breezy" repository too, and don't experience these problems.

coixcoix, please switch your repository from "dapper" to "breezy" and upgrade again, and tell us, if your problem is gone.


2006-10-21 05:56

administrator   ~0013048

Please purge the current Dapper scribus-ng package from your system, clean aptitude cache (aptitude clean; apt-get clean (if you use apt)) and run "aptitude install scribus-ng". You must see that aptitude is downloading the scribus-ng_1.3.3.4-1 package anew from the repository and is not using a cached old copy. Then test it once it's installed.


2006-10-21 05:57

administrator   ~0013049

Please purge the current Dapper scribus-ng package from your system, clean aptitude cache (aptitude clean; apt-get clean (if you use apt)) and run "aptitude install scribus-ng". You must see that aptitude is downloading the scribus-ng_1.3.3.4-1 package anew from the repository and is not using a cached old copy. Then test it once it's installed.


2006-10-22 23:38

reporter   ~0013099

thanks everybody, problem solved.


2006-10-22 23:44

developer   ~0013100

thx malex


2006-10-23 05:54

administrator   ~0013103

Just uploaded scribus-ng_1.3.3.4-2 to our repositories. This should push the fixes to everybody who had broken package installed on Dapper.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-10-13 10:58 coixcoix New Issue
2006-10-13 11:02 coixcoix File Added: Bildschirmfoto.png
2006-10-13 11:12 plinnell Note Added: 0012949
2006-10-13 13:41 subik Note Added: 0012951
2006-10-14 14:17 coixcoix Note Added: 0012974
2006-10-14 14:17 coixcoix Note Added: 0012975
2006-10-14 14:44 plinnell Status new => assigned
2006-10-14 14:44 plinnell Assigned To => malex
2006-10-14 16:51 mhanski File Added: scribus_ng_with_script_menu_on_kubuntu.png
2006-10-14 17:06 mhanski Note Added: 0012978
2006-10-14 21:12 coixcoix Note Added: 0012982
2006-10-14 21:18 coixcoix File Added: Bildschirmfoto2.png
2006-10-15 09:51 coixcoix File Added: scribus1.2.4.1 and scribus-ng1.3.3.4.png
2006-10-15 13:58 coixcoix File Added: scribus1.2.4.1 and scribus-ng1.3.3.4_.png
2006-10-15 21:51 mhanski Relationship added child of 0003813
2006-10-17 21:36 mhanski Relationship added related to 0004423
2006-10-20 07:39 plinnell Note Added: 0013035
2006-10-20 07:43 agusmba Note Added: 0013036
2006-10-20 08:12 mhanski Note Added: 0013037
2006-10-21 05:56 malex Note Added: 0013048
2006-10-21 05:57 malex Note Added: 0013049
2006-10-21 05:57 malex Status assigned => feedback
2006-10-22 12:20 cbradney Relationship added child of 0004439
2006-10-22 23:38 coixcoix Note Added: 0013099
2006-10-22 23:44 mhanski Status feedback => resolved
2006-10-22 23:44 mhanski Resolution open => fixed
2006-10-22 23:44 mhanski Note Added: 0013100
2006-10-23 05:54 malex Status resolved => closed
2006-10-23 05:54 malex Note Added: 0013103
2006-10-23 05:56 malex Fixed in Version =>