View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006373Scribus-public2012-11-12 13:34
ReporterTobbi Assigned Toale  
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
PlatformallOSallOS Versionall
Summary0006373: Enable shortcut Ctrl + backshift to delete word
DescriptionIf you have a text field (Insert --> Text frame), it would be great to implement the shortcut Ctrl+Backshift to delete a word.
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duplicate of 0003547 confirmed Faster quickedit with ctrl 



2007-10-17 16:54

reporter   ~0017663

I mean the word next to the cursor. For example:

"This is a sample text" becomes "This is a sample" after you pressed Ctrl+backshift.


2012-11-06 16:59

reporter   ~0029156

This is a duplicate of the following bug

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2007-10-17 16:09 Tobbi New Issue
2007-10-17 16:54 Tobbi Note Added: 0017663
2007-10-17 19:24 plinnell Status new => acknowledged
2012-11-06 16:59 mahfiaz Note Added: 0029156
2012-11-12 13:34 ale Relationship added duplicate of 0003547
2012-11-12 13:34 ale Status acknowledged => closed
2012-11-12 13:34 ale Assigned To => ale
2012-11-12 13:34 ale Resolution open => duplicate