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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008499ScribusUsabilitypublic2009-11-05 18:16
Reporterjsardid Assigned Tojghali  
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Summary0008499: a couple of ideas

First of all, sorry if this message should go elsewhere, I'm a newbie using this bug tracker. And let me thank the developers of scribus for their great work.

Said that, I would like to make a couple of suggestions trying to improve even more this excellent application.

- My first idea would be to use tabs like in firefox or other applications (konqueror, dolphin, kile, lyx...) for different files.

- The second one would be to encrust the properties window in the main window. I use two different screens and for me it would be better to have open always the menu of properties within the main window. Probably other people don't like this suggestion, but I think that the best option would be to have the possibility of deciding if you want to have it like it is now or encrusted in the main window.

Thanks in advance for taken that in consideration.
TagsNo tags attached.


duplicate of 0001348 closedfschmid Dockable dialogs 



2009-10-14 07:31

manager   ~0022701

hi, can you please post two feature requests, one for each idea?

about the ideas:
- tabs: i'm not sure if it is a good idea...
  - ctrl+tab is a good way to reach another document
  - if we really want a visual way to browse through open documents, i think it would be more interesting to add a multidocument functionality to the "window > outline" or to "window > arragange pages"
-the properties window is being reworked. but i liked it as control panel for scribus...


2009-11-05 18:16

administrator   ~0022806

The first idea has already been implemented in the 1.5.0svn development version
The second idea has already been submitted as issue 0001348

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-10-07 16:03 jsardid New Issue
2009-10-14 07:31 ale Note Added: 0022701
2009-11-05 18:16 jghali Note Added: 0022806
2009-11-05 18:16 jghali Relationship added duplicate of 0001348
2009-11-05 18:16 jghali Duplicate ID 0 => 1348
2009-11-05 18:16 jghali Status new => resolved
2009-11-05 18:16 jghali Resolution open => duplicate
2009-11-05 18:16 jghali Assigned To => jghali
2009-11-05 18:16 jghali Status resolved => closed