View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002663ScribusStylespublic2024-08-16 20:28
Reporterjohn Assigned Tocbradney  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformanyOSanyOS Versionany
Product Version1.3 
Target VersionFuture Release - Nice to haveFixed in Version1.7.0.svn 
Summary0002663: indexing
DescriptionIs styles-based indexing in the current roadmap for Scribus? I've started using Scribus to design a culture magazine (Broken Pencil) that runs a lot of reviews, and provides an index at the back of the magazine of all the (100+) reviews. In Quark i could generate an index based on the header style for each review ... something like this would be great in Scribus.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0001371 resolvedcbradney Considering writing plugin to generate TOCs, Indexes, and "Continued on pg ... " messages 
has duplicate 0006545 closedplinnell How to create an index? 
related to 0003450 closedcezaryece Real support for endnotes 
related to 0003896 acknowledged Metabug: Scientific Publishing 



2005-10-04 18:53

administrator   ~0006905

I dont think it will be based on styles. Can you send me a screenshot of your document text and the index where it appears in btw?


2005-10-04 19:13

reporter   ~0006908

thanks for getting back to me. i'm not sure what you're asking -- the magazine i'm working on contains about 50 pages of short, 50 word reviews, each with it's own small headline. i'd like to be able to automatically generate an index page that would contain all of those headers, sorted alphabetically, with page references to the page where the review is placed. since the headers have a style in common, i though using the style to create the index would be the way to go...


2005-10-04 19:47

administrator   ~0006909 is a howto for making tables of contents in Scribus 1.3.x. Indexing may be similar, however, at this point in time we cannot support per character/word attributes.

I'd like a screenshot of one page of a review, and its index entry. Just as extra info in my mind.


2005-10-04 20:58

reporter   ~0006910

Last edited: 2005-10-04 21:03

ok, i've uploaded a page of reviews, the index page, and our cover. thanks for you attention (and the great program!)

2005-10-04 21:00


bp4-page45.png (1,430,570 bytes)

2005-10-04 21:01


bp4-page87.png (1,430,570 bytes)

2005-10-04 21:02


bp4-page89.png (1,430,570 bytes)


2005-10-04 21:36

administrator   ~0006911

Yep, thought so. Would be possible in the current scheme if you just set the index item attribute to be Lickety-Split, once indexes are supported there. Of course, a style based one may be very quick, ie automatic. This is why I've not yet done indexing, only TOC.


2006-04-14 14:07

developer   ~0009955

cbradney, is it a "won't fix" or "acknowledged"?


2006-04-14 14:16

administrator   ~0009956

Indexing will get done once one of us has time..

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-10-04 17:58 john New Issue
2005-10-04 18:53 cbradney Note Added: 0006905
2005-10-04 19:13 john Note Added: 0006908
2005-10-04 19:47 cbradney Note Added: 0006909
2005-10-04 20:58 john Note Added: 0006910
2005-10-04 21:00 john File Added: bp4-page45.png
2005-10-04 21:01 john File Added: bp4-page87.png
2005-10-04 21:02 john File Added: bp4-page89.png
2005-10-04 21:03 john Note Edited: 0006910
2005-10-04 21:36 cbradney Note Added: 0006911
2006-04-14 14:07 mhanski Note Added: 0009955
2006-04-14 14:07 mhanski OS => any
2006-04-14 14:07 mhanski OS Version => any
2006-04-14 14:07 mhanski Platform => any
2006-04-14 14:07 mhanski Product Version 1.3.1cvs => 1.3
2006-04-14 14:16 cbradney Note Added: 0009956
2006-04-14 14:16 cbradney Status new => acknowledged
2006-04-23 22:55 mhanski Relationship added related to 0003450
2006-04-23 23:03 mhanski Relationship added related to 0001371
2006-06-07 19:23 christoph_s Relationship added related to 0003896
2007-12-01 21:16 plinnell Relationship added has duplicate 0006545
2016-04-23 03:10 Kunda Patch => No
2016-04-23 03:10 Kunda Target Version => Future Release - Nice to have
2024-08-16 20:26 cbradney Assigned To => cbradney
2024-08-16 20:26 cbradney Status acknowledged => assigned
2024-08-16 20:28 cbradney Status assigned => resolved
2024-08-16 20:28 cbradney Resolution open => fixed
2024-08-16 20:28 cbradney Fixed in Version => 1.7.0.svn