View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004187ScribusOS-Win32public2015-03-03 21:39
Reporteruser715Assigned Tojghali  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS Version2000/xp
Product Version1.3.3.3 
Target Version1.6 milestone 
Summary0004187: (De)Installer removes files added by user
DescriptionDuring deinstallation of previous version of Scibus ALL files are deleted, even added by user. I have uninstalled to install and I have lost one script modified by me (with different name than original). (De)Installers for previous versions of Scribus have left the script and directory it's been placed in.
Additional InformationAll versions ( and below) clear main Scribus dir, so I have to add gdiplus.dll everytime I install new Scribus' version.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0003827 closedcbradney Create an MSI package for Scribus 
related to 0012907 closedKunda Generate bleeding edge Scribus nightlies downloadable for testers 



2006-08-28 21:45

administrator   ~0012360

As long as NSIS does not provide a convenient way of doing so, this is a won't fix, i will just add a warning for now.

If you want to avoid reinstalling gdiplus.dll, just place it in your Windows\system32 directory. For your information also, preferences allows you to specify a custom script directory.


2006-08-29 07:18


Last edited: 2006-08-29 07:22

> As long as NSIS does not provide a convenient way
> of doing so, this is a won't fix, i will just add
> a warning for now.
that's strange. most installers that i know, leave files modified or added after installation by deafault (or ask to delete them with other files).
so maybe there should be different installer used for scribus?

> If you want to avoid reinstalling gdiplus.dll,
> just place it in your Windows\system32 directory.
yes, i know. but some apps (specially ms ones) use this dll also. i don't remember if their dirs or system dirs are first scanned for the dll - it may be a problem, if different apps should use newer version of gdiplus.dll. because of that and - in addition - because i don't like to add files by hand to system dirs (not safe afaik), i'm still placing gdiplus.dll in scribus' dir.

> For your information also, preferences allows you
> to specify a custom script directory.
i know this also, but don't like: more and more dirs, and one day you cannot find what the hell are all those dirs for. windows itself do it for me day by day ;)
wrong way (for me).
it is also strange, because previous versions (un)installers (to haven't delete scripts dir (with my script added).

ok, so i have to be carefull when reinstalling/updating scribus...


2015-02-05 12:56

updater   ~0034445

Added relationship with 0003827 "Create an MSI package for Scribus"


2015-02-12 01:07

updater   ~0034487

Last edited: 2015-02-12 01:07

Added relationship with 0012907

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-08-28 11:26 user715 New Issue
2006-08-28 20:40 plinnell Status new => assigned
2006-08-28 20:40 plinnell Assigned To => jghali
2006-08-28 21:45 jghali Note Added: 0012360
2006-08-29 07:18 user715 Note Added: 0012361
2006-08-29 07:20 user715 Note Edited: 0012361
2006-08-29 07:22 user715 Note Edited: 0012361
2015-02-05 12:55 Kunda Relationship added related to 0003827
2015-02-05 12:56 Kunda Note Added: 0034445
2015-02-05 12:56 Kunda Patch => No
2015-02-05 12:56 Kunda Category General => OS-Win32
2015-02-12 01:06 Kunda Relationship added related to 0012907
2015-02-12 01:07 Kunda Note Added: 0034487
2015-02-12 01:07 Kunda Note Edited: 0034487
2015-03-03 21:39 Kunda Target Version => 1.6 milestone