View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0012907ScribusGeneralpublic2022-01-15 16:19
ReporterKunda Assigned ToKunda  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Summary0012907: Generate bleeding edge Scribus nightlies downloadable for testers
DescriptionOffer nightly (or tri-weekly) builds.

OSX: Craig recently compiled and bundled the 1.5svn Scribus version successfully after a spell of it not being available. He has also successfully been able to virtually build scribus on 10.7 up to 10.10

Windows: jghali may be the only person in the universe right now who is running 1.5svn on Windows (!!!)

Linux: AppImage (
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0014499 closedplinnell Trigger AppImages for Master via Github 
related to 0003827 feedback Create an MSI package for Scribus 
related to 0004187 assignedjghali (De)Installer removes files added by user 
related to 0014516 new Nightlies available for testers - some loose ends 



2015-03-03 21:41

updater   ~0034640

Script needs to be written to upload builds to SF


2016-05-21 07:30

updater   ~0041272

This is in process.
Both MrB and jghali have been uploading nightlies to

They plan to begin again by uploading to

As for linux, we have Appimage and more specifically:

So stay tuned


2016-12-27 14:49

updater   ~0043215

Once 0014499 is merged we can have appimages built with each TravisCI build test for Linux.

So as for 12/27/16 we have nightlies for Windows, OSX and very soon for Linux.

My plan is to figure out how to auto-upload TravisCI linux appImage builds to sourceforge.

Resolving this ticket.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-02-09 20:19 Kunda New Issue
2015-02-12 01:06 Kunda Relationship added related to 0003827
2015-02-12 01:06 Kunda Relationship added related to 0004187
2015-03-03 21:41 Kunda Note Added: 0034640
2016-05-21 07:30 Kunda Note Added: 0041272
2016-05-21 07:31 Kunda Status new => assigned
2016-05-21 07:31 Kunda Description Updated
2016-12-27 14:44 Kunda Relationship added related to 0014499
2016-12-27 14:49 Kunda Assigned To => Kunda
2016-12-27 14:49 Kunda Status assigned => resolved
2016-12-27 14:49 Kunda Resolution open => fixed
2016-12-27 14:49 Kunda Note Added: 0043215
2016-12-27 21:25 Kunda Relationship added related to 0014516
2022-01-15 16:14 cbradney Project Infrastructure => Scribus
2022-01-15 16:19 cbradney Status resolved => closed