View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0013887ScribusShape Drawingpublic2016-05-10 15:44
ReporterJLuc Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSUbuntuOS Version14.04
Product Version1.5.2.svn 
Target Version1.6 milestone 
Summary0013887: Arrows should snap to the end of the arrow (and not the base of the arrow instead) for margins/marks/grids/objects etc...
DescriptionWhen drawing arrows or line-ends at the end of a line, scribus adds them to the allready drawn line, in such a way that only half the line-end is inside of the line, and the other half is outside the line, further away.

As a consequence, lines with lineends are longer than the same line without lineend.
lines with lineends dont respect the line coordinates : they are longer.

This makes creating using arrows difficult when having to reach precise coordinates.
Lines have to be changed (made shorter or longer) when a decoration is added or deleted or changed.
All the more with snap to items on : user has to avoid the snapping so as to make the line end slightly further because the line will "grow" when the arrow end is added.

+ It makes it unprecise because all scribus measurement are shown for the line without including the arrows overhead. There is no way to know the measurement of a line including the line-end.

Request is : add a option for arrow ending, either globaly for the document, or individualy for each line end, with the choice :
- as is = compatibility mode = add the arrow partly after the end of the line
- precise = manage to do so that the visual line end, including the arrow, adjust to the desired end, doing so that the resulting line+lineend respects the line coordonates input. All tools including "align to" and "snap to" have to respect this.
Additional InformationNotes

- This behaviour needs special data to describe the arrow, so scribus knows where is the visual "end" of the line-end and the overhead induced.

- It might be required to add a new property in the shape's data : length_overhead. It's value depends on the line-end shape and scale.

- This new mode is clearly felt as required for some lineend shapes as arrows > but is not so obviously required for other sort or lineends. Defining the length overhead depens on the shape of the line-end. Try and fell how best is. For arrows > sorts of lineend, its the farthest point of the arrow. For | or X sorts of arrow, there is no length overhead or it's half the width.

- Depening on the arrow's shape's data format, it might be possible to add new arrow lineends that have this behaviour even without changing the rest of the code (and without changing former lineends and without adding a new option for endoflines). It seems the lineends are described with some sort of vector data. Changing an arrow to end well would require to add an initial no-draw-move offset vector, to "move back" of a distance equal to the overhead-length.
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0007967 closed Adding arrow should not change object size 
related to 0012246 new Provide more "out" line ends (arrows) 
related to 0014020 closed Lines that are widened don't snap to margins correctly 
related to 0008042 confirmed Origins of straight line objects are calculated incorrectly 
related to 0011647 confirmed Alignment functions don't work uniformally with lines of width greater than hairline 



2016-03-31 15:37


arrows.jpg (53,947 bytes)   
arrows.jpg (53,947 bytes)   


2016-05-03 23:29

updater   ~0040753

Confirmed, scribus interprets the end of the line as the border to snap with instead of the arrow.


2016-05-03 23:51

updater   ~0040755

It's also a good point that by adding the arrow it shouldn't change the length/size of the line

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-03-31 15:31 JLuc New Issue
2016-03-31 15:34 JLuc Summary Have arrows end at the end of the line => Have arrows end at the desired end of the line
2016-03-31 15:34 JLuc Additional Information Updated
2016-03-31 15:37 JLuc File Added: arrows.jpg
2016-03-31 16:00 Kunda Product Version 1.5.2 => 1.5.2.svn
2016-03-31 16:03 Kunda Relationship added related to 0012246
2016-03-31 19:51 JLuc Relationship added has duplicate 0007967
2016-03-31 19:53 JLuc Summary Have arrows end at the desired end of the line => Arrows at the end of a line should point to the en of the line, not further away
2016-03-31 19:54 JLuc Summary Arrows at the end of a line should point to the en of the line, not further away => Arrows at the end of a line should point to the end of the line, not further away
2016-03-31 19:55 JLuc Additional Information Updated
2016-05-03 23:25 Kunda Relationship added related to 0014020
2016-05-03 23:29 Kunda Note Added: 0040753
2016-05-03 23:29 Kunda Status new => confirmed
2016-05-03 23:29 Kunda Target Version => 1.6 milestone
2016-05-03 23:49 Kunda Summary Arrows at the end of a line should point to the end of the line, not further away => Arrows should snap to the end of the arrow (and not the base of the arrow instead) for margins/marks/grids/objects etc...
2016-05-03 23:51 Kunda Note Added: 0040755
2016-05-04 06:18 JLuc Additional Information Updated
2016-05-04 06:33 JLuc Additional Information Updated
2016-05-04 06:40 JLuc Additional Information Updated
2016-05-04 06:41 JLuc Additional Information Updated
2016-05-04 06:42 JLuc Additional Information Updated
2016-05-05 15:41 Kunda Relationship added related to 0008042
2016-05-10 15:44 Kunda Relationship added related to 0011647