View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002098ScribusGeneralpublic2014-07-09 15:47
Reportermalex Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
PlatformanzOSanyOS Versionany
Product Version1.3 
Summary0002098: Metabug: New File Format
DescriptionThis bug report should be a connector for all other bug reports that concern new file format. Please make your report "related" to this one if you think it is relevant.
Additional InformationSee the whole list of metabugs:
TagsNo tags attached.


duplicate of 0000111 closedcbradney Scribus Document File format 
related to 0002395 closedfschmid Portability: Casting between pointer and int 
parent of 0004050 closedavox  isn't a valid xml character and should not be used in the SLA format 
parent of 0004508 closedavox Unnecessary text-formatting information in file-format 
related to 0001155 acknowledged Support non-breakable text blocks 
related to 0001099 closedfschmid Inline graphics 
related to 0002039 acknowledged column span 
related to 0002036 closedfschmid request for a frame break 
related to 0000162 acknowledged unequal columns in a textframe 
related to 0001132 acknowledged Styles should be separate from documents 
related to 0004170 acknowledged Custom guides colors 



2005-06-15 14:09

reporter   ~0005046

Gotchas that come to mind now:
   - Items may not be on just one page (partly on scratch / overlapping 2 pages, etc)
   - Facing pages may evolve into split pages (think centre page of a newspaper) where an item can overlap both pages
   - frame-in-textframe support
   - Need for "smarter" text formatting later, eg bullet lists etc


2005-08-09 17:14

reporter   ~0005994

0002395 is related due to issues with inline graphics nesting that need considering.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-06-15 14:07 malex New Issue
2005-06-15 14:09 malex Relationship added related to 0001155
2005-06-15 14:09 ringerc Note Added: 0005046
2005-06-15 14:11 ringerc Relationship added related to 0001099
2005-06-15 14:11 ringerc Relationship added related to 0002039
2005-06-15 14:11 ringerc Relationship added related to 0002036
2005-06-15 14:12 ringerc Relationship added related to 0000162
2005-07-14 00:31 ringerc Relationship added related to 0001132
2005-08-09 17:13 ringerc Summary New File Format Meta Bug Report => Metabug: New File Format
2005-08-09 17:13 ringerc Relationship added related to 0002395
2005-08-09 17:14 ringerc Note Added: 0005994
2005-10-21 20:57 mhanski Relationship added duplicate of 0000111
2006-07-02 22:17 mhanski Additional Information Updated
2006-07-23 15:21 ringerc Relationship added parent of 0004050
2006-09-08 08:04 subik Relationship added related to 0004170
2006-11-09 18:58 avox Relationship added parent of 0004508
2006-11-09 23:39 mhanski OS Linux => any
2006-11-09 23:39 mhanski OS Version 2.6 => any
2006-11-09 23:39 mhanski Platform i386 => anz
2009-11-02 19:36 malex Assigned To malex =>
2014-07-09 15:47 Kunda Status assigned => acknowledged